Clinical case: Panhypopituitarism with a pituitary tumor

Panhypopituitarism with a pituitary tumor

Starting in 2012, Jorge underwent multiple surgical procedures in an attempt to remove a macro pituitary adenoma. After 12 surgeries, his pituitary and neurohypophysis were completely removed, resulting in diabetes insipidus. Jorge experienced acute adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, and hypogonadism. Additionally, he lost all body hair and urinated up to 19 liters each night.

In 2016, he received treatment with Neuro-Reconnection, successfully reversing the damage to his hypothalamus. Subsequently, his adrenal glands and thyroid function began to improve.

Jorge also suffered testicular atrophy and softening due to cell destruction caused by Gamma Knife radiation. Six years later, Dr. Jorge Carlos Barbosa devised a method to restore testosterone production in his testicles. Shortly after, his glands fully recovered, and Jorge is now in the process of producing measurable and quantifiable testosterone.

This material is part of the module 4: Endocrine system and homeopathic hormones in the spanish website.