Semipolycrests 101k

Semipolycrests 101k

$ 3,600.00 (MXN)

It includes 36 essential remedies in the homeopathic arsenal such as Staphysagria, Colocynthis, Magnesia Muriatica and Natrum Muriaticum, all at 101k potency.

Our homeopathic remedies offer an effective and safe option to help the body restore health and improve the patient’s quality of life. The substances that form the basis of our medicines are carefully selected from nature, and undergo quality control before entering the manufacturing process.

This box includes 36 remedies, ideal for the homeopath who seeks to treat ailments through an exclusive potency capable of covering the wide spectrum of high potencies and that adapts flexibly according to the patient’s condition.

During the seminars given by AIHCA, live clinical cases will be presented so that the homeopath can identify the distinctive symptoms of these medications and can use them appropriately.

Presentation: Dilution in 30ml amber glass bottle.

Instructions for use: Dissolve in the mouth or in a little water.  Consult your homeopath.

As it is a homeopathic medicine, it does not create addiction or contrast with other treatments.


1. Antimonium Crudum

2. Antimonium Tartaricum

3. Aurum Metallicum

4. Baryta Carbonica

5. Cannabis Sativa

6. Cantharis

7. Cicuta Virosa

8. Coccus Cacti

9. Coffea Cruda

10. Colocynthis

11. Conium Maculatum

12. Digitalis Purpurea

13. Drosera Rotundifolia

14. Ferrum Matallicum

15. Graphites

16. Ignatia Amara

17. Iodum Metallicum

18. Kalmia Latifolia

19. Ledum Palustre

20. Magnesia Carbonica

21. Margnesia Muriatica

22. Natrum Carbonicum

23. Natrum Muriaticum

24. Nitricum Acidum

25. Nux Moschata

26. Opium

27. Petroleum

28. Phosphoricum Acidum

29. Platinum Metallicum

30. Spigelia

31. Stannum Metallicum

32. Staphysagria

33. Stramonium

34. Tartarus Emeticus

35. Thuja Occidentalis

36. Zincum Metallicum


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Weight 3 kg


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